• delphine.nowanowski@univ-reims.fr

Planning, Course content & Schedule

Session NumberPlan/ ContentYour work, your remit for THIS session
1– Intro S2 objectives & assessment
Sports & Linguistics 
– Guidelines for “Training” to speak! video/audio 1
2Working with figures! (1/3):
-> Booklet No 1:
– Describing trends p.6-10
– Reading graphs and charts p.11-13
Rewriting trends : let’s study bar chart 1 p.14 together and see how we may comment it.

3Working with figures! (2/3):
– Let’s review your data & information presentation on European Sportswear Market Analysis
Accounting, presenting financial data
– Please download:
– > Cash flow statements summary here
What MUST be done for today:
– European Sportswear Market Analysis: Q2. Please resume and present the data & information (text p.13 to 16)
– Revise the vocab on figures and trends (CC1 is planned for seminar 6)
4Working with figures! (3/3):
-> Wrapping up if not finished ?

Grammar : let’s carry on with past tenses ( preterit or present perfect)

Exercise together:
Past/Preterit ex. 8

Grammar: Writing a mail
Mail ex. 2 & Mail ex.3
What MUST be done for today:
– Revise the vocab on figures, trends & financial/accounting terms (CC1 is planned for seminar 6)
5Grammar: exercises correction 

Marketing: from consumer value to user value:
Introduction to Shift (formerly known as “We are what we do”) (p.3 of your booklet N°2)
& work on from consumer value to user value, Shift, case study N°1

-> What does this first case study teach you?
What MUST be done for today:
Mail ex.4
Past/Preterit ex.10Past/Preterit ex.7
– Revise the vocab on figures, trends & financial/accounting terms; also learn your expressions for mail writing (CC1 is due next week)
6Grammar exercises correction

Written test on trends & figures (CC1) & mail writing: 1hour

Guidelines for your Red Free presentation

Marketing: from consumer value to user value
Shift, case study N°2

What do we mean by user value then? What is the difficulty these two case studies underline?
What MUST be done for today:
– Finalise your revisions for CC1 (trends, figures, financial and accounting terms, mail writing)
Marketing: Working on consumers’ habits: how difficult is that? (answering the questions you had to work on for today)

Red Free presentations (please show your adverts during your presentation)
What MUST be done for today:
– Please read text p.6 and answer the questions p.8-10
Red Free presentations (please show your adverts during your presentation)
9Red Free presentations (please show your adverts during your presentation)