A written test on figures, trends, financial/accounting terms & mail writing
Second and third marks:/20
A/ Live presentation in class: Scenario: RED S may be quite bad for sports people’s health (see file). Athletes have gradually gotten more aware of RED S over the years; however, quite a lot of people are reluctant to accept they may face a problem and change their ways of eating etc. The problem is fairly complex, please read this. You are working for a company that focuses on sports men and women’s well being. Naturally, they have heard of RED S and want to help sports people; they sell a brand new product, against RED S, called “RED FREE”. Your company’s objective is to develop RED FREE, turning it into a brand, used for several products. You are in charge of developing the marketing and advertising plan. Explain how you will interact with the customers and communicate on the product, provided that you focus on the user value and the need for them to change their habits. Please explain how you are going to work on it (get inspired by Tori Flower’s approach and presentation skills!). (fluidité et naturel doivent être au rendez-vous!)
B/ Video For you to sell Red Free: your communication must be quite convincing. Please record : 1. Some interview of your customers/users as you collect their feedback 2. Your product adverts (or several ads) (fluidité et naturel doivent être au rendez-vous ici aussi mais surtout L’ACCENT!)
Training for your next video :
Semester 5 allowed us to assess your spoken English – we can build on and improve it: use the following videos for pronunciation drills (to be explained in class)
VIDEO 1: Either
UK English: Record yourself from 0.10 to 1.22 (“11 players on the field”)
US English: Record yourself from 0:00 to 1.23 (“wherever the last play ended”).
VIDEO 2: Either
UK English: Record yourself from 0:00 to 1:01 (“at 35 per hour”)
US English: Record yourself from 0:00 to 0:59 (“3 million Americans tuned in to watch.”)
VIDEO 3: Either
UK English: Record yourself from 0:00 to .17 (“he was transferred to Northampton Town”)
US English: Record yourself from 0:00 to 01/22 (“to win 3 consecutive World Series title”)