• delphine.nowanowski@univ-reims.fr

Seminar 8-9

CORRECTION to all questions relating to the case

Document 8: the video


  1. How many people are related to the crime? What are their different situations? What are their nationalities?
  2. Give as many details as possible on the victim.
  3. What did the defendant decide to do after the verdict?
  4. Which charges did A. Knox and R. Sollecito face at trial?
  5. What did A. Knox allegedly confess a few days after the crime?
  6. What did she say later about what she was doing at the moment of the crime?
  7. Which accusations did she hold against the police?
  8. What did the police answer back?
  9. Explain Knox’s father’s criticism against the Italian police.
  10. How did the police counteract?
  11. As to the DNA evidence, which decision did the judge take?
  12. When will the trial resume? What will then be pending?

Extra work! Please read the case timeline on https://edition.cnn.com/2011/09/28/world/europe/italy-amanda-knox-timeline/index.html and summarise the main events. You will use bullet points to establish your chronology.


Document 9:


1.Un rebondissement :8.Couramment :
2.Provenir, venir de :9.Les gros titres :
3.En fin de compte, finalement :10.Disculper :
4.Une décision de justice :11.Diffamation :
5.Ébranler, saper :12.Porter plainte :
6.Justice, équité :13.Prétendre :
7.Procédure judiciaire :14.Règlement de comptes :


General understanding:

  1. Which point of view prevails in this article?
  2. Which differences are there between “damages”, “costs” and “expenses” line 5?
  3. How did the criminal charges against Amanda Knox finally result in?

Detailed understanding

  1. On which legal grounds did the European Court of Human Rights make a statement in 2019? What did it claim?
  2. Which paradox does follow in the ruling of the Court of Human Rights?
  3. Which elements were found to be in favor of A. Knox?
  4. What did Amanda Knox do at the time to raise suspicion?
  5. Why is the claim of the Court of Human Rights for damages in favor of A. Knox tricky here?
  6. How does A. Knox feel about the accusations she held against her boss today?
  7. What was the last unexpected development in the verdict in the Kercher murder case?
  8. Which ruling did the Court of Human Rights take about her allegations of extreme psychological pressure? And what about the slander conviction?
  9. According to one of Knox’s defense lawyers, what is she looking for through this complaint?

Extra work! Please complete your timeline with the latest events!