• delphine.nowanowski@univ-reims.fr

Grammar exercises 6 – Correction

What past? Please translate:

Paul n’a pas accepté la défaite de son équipe favorite: Man United a perdu contre Real Sociedad 0-1 le 8 Septembre.
-> Paul did not admit his favourite team’s defeat: Man United lost against Real Sociedad 0-1 on September 8.
Il était tellement déçu qu’il est rentré chez lui aussitôt après le match alors qu’il avait d’abord prévu de passer la soirée chez ses amis.
-> He was so disappointed that he went straight back home after the match although he had previously (or initially) planned to spend the evening at his friends’.
La situation ne s’est pas améliorée pour le club de foot par la suite: Man United a joué contre Man City le 2 Octobre, et ils ont perdu 3-6.
-> The situation did not improve for the football (or soccer) club afterwards: Man United played Man City on October 2 and lost 3-6.
Quel dommage que Beckham ait pris sa retraite en 2013! Depuis Man United n’a pas obtenu de résultats aussi bons que ceux qu’il avait lorsque Beckham jouait pour eux.
-> What a pity Beckham retired in 2013! Since then, Man United have not had results as good as those they had when Beckham was still playing for them.
En ce qui concerne le match du 2 Octobre, Paul a eu la consolation de voir que c’était une équipe de Manchester qui avait gagné le match. Après tout, pour un habitant de Manchester, c’est tout ce qui compte.
-> As far as the October 2 game is concerned (= > Regarding the October 2 game), Paul cheered up (a bit/ a little) considering a team from Manchester had won the match. After all, it is all that matters for a Mancunian*.
*Mancunians : inhabitant of Manchester

2. Please translate:

Quel club de foot britannique a gagné le plus de matches au cours des 3 dernières décennies?
-> What British football club has won the most games/matches over the last 3 decades?
Avec quels moyens pourrait-on aider les jeunes footballers amateurs?
-> What means could we help young football players with?
Il y a 20 ans, les joueurs faisaient rêver les foules. C’est encore le cas aujourd’hui.
-> 20 years ago, players used to make crowds dream. It is still the case nowadays/today.
3. Complete the following article using A, AN, Ø, THE

___Ø_ Britain’s roads are in __A__ terrible state thanks to __Ø__ austerity. According to _THE_ RAC, 6% of __Ø_ B and __Ø__ C roads are in __Ø_ need of __Ø__repairs, __A__ proportion that has remained __THE_ same for _THE__ past five years. It is bad for __Ø_ cars, but even worse for _Ø_ cyclists riding in _THE__ gutter.
One thing you quickly learn when out riding, as I have been for more than 300 hours this year, is you have to pay __Ø__ attention. __Ø__ Vehicles can appear at any point and will do anything. I have been pushed into __Ø__ hedges by __Ø__ two-tonne SUVs, almost __Ø___ T-boned by __Ø__ hatchbacks, forced to dice with __Ø___ death in __Ø__ narrow bike lanes. It is simply accepted that this is what __Ø_ cycling is: taking your life in your hands every time you get in __THE__ saddle.