• delphine.nowanowski@univ-reims.fr

Grammar exercises 3

  1. Devriez-vous vous entraîner plus pour améliorer votre performance?
  2. Pourquoi cet athlète devrait-il s’informer des résultats de ses concurrents?
  3. Dans quel but cet athlète devrait-il s’informer des résultats de ses concurrents?
  4. Pour qui le sports est-il nécessaire?
  5. Vous avez dit que vous vouliez en savoir plus sur la performance des joueurs; peut-être que vous auriez pu nous le demander avant!
  6. Cet ingénieur aurait dû vérifier ses résultats avant de les présenter à son manager.

A. Choose the correct form, with or without the.

1. Children / The children learn a lot from playing.

2. We took children / the children to the zoo.

3. I often listen to music / the music.

4. The film wasn’t very good but I liked the music / music.

5. All cars have wheels / the wheels.

6. All the cars / cars in this car park belong to people who work here.

7. The sugar / Sugar isn’t very good for you.

8. Do the English / English people work hard ?

9. Do the English people / English people you know work hard ?

10. Do you like strong black coffee / the strong black coffee ?

11. Did you like the coffee / coffee we had after our meal last night ?

B. Complete the following sentences using A, AN, Ø, THE

1)- Where is ……………….. book I put on ………………… table ? 

2)- …………….. French are said to be ……………….. good cooks. 

3)- Richard is ………………. doctor and his wife …………………… English teacher. 

4)- « How much are these apples ? » – « 3 euros ………………… kilo ». 

5)- She goes to the movies twice ……………. week.. 

6)- ………….. Queen Elizabeth is to meet ………………. French President next month. 

7)- ……………… life he leads at home is too boring for him. 

8)- Don’t go out without ………………. raincoat. It’s raining outside. 

9)- I met ……………. interesting boy yesterday at Mary’s party ! Hope I’ll see him again ! 

10)- She loves ……………. music. She plays …………….. piano very well. 

C. Same exercise.

1)- I wish to apply for …………… job I saw advertised in yesterday’s newspaper. 

2)- ……………. French exam was difficult. 

3)- The report will be given to all …………………. employees. 

4)- You should not tell such ………………… lies. 

5)- I hate driving at …………………….night. 

6)- I am sorry but I can’t play …………. chess now. 

7)- Would you mind ringing me in …………….. hour and a half ? 

8)- He explained them where ……………….. school was. 

9)- She goes to …………….. school on ……………. foot. 

10)- I spent my evening listening to ……………… pop music. 

11)- ………………. Princess Ann got married four years ago. 

12)- ………………. Prince of Wales is in Cardiff. 

13)- We attend evening classes twice …………….. week. 

14)- Without ………………… key I don’t know how you’ll get in ! 

15)- She has been to ………………. Germany, ………….. USA and ………….. Japan.